Cougar Code of Conduct

  1. It is a privilege to wear a Cougar Soccer Club uniform, and I will accept seriously the responsibility and privilege of representing our community and the club.
  2. I will attend every practice and game that it is possible for me to attend and will give my best effort at BOTH.
  3. At practice and games, I will display a positive attitude.
  4. I accept that my playing time will be influenced by my attendance, attitude and effort at practice.
  5. I will do my best to listen and learn from my coaches.
  6. I will treat my coaches, fellow soccer players, fans and officials with respect and good manners.
  7. I deserve to have fun during my soccer experience and will let my parents/guardians and coaches know if it stops being fun.
  8. I will remember that youth soccer is an opportunity to learn and have fun.
  9. I will strive to treat others as I wish to be treated by others.
  10. I will obey the rules of the sport of soccer.